Monday, July 1, 2013

Christmas Festivities

December 2012
Every year after Thanksgiving, the lights at temple square are turned on.  We went downtown and walked around the new City Creek center across from Temple Square then made our way over to temple square when it started getting dark and watched the light turn on. 

 This year, we decided to purchase a real Christmas tree.  It was fun going down each isle to find that perfect tree.  It was snowing when we went out and the kids had fun flicking the snow off the branches at each other.  We did find the best tree, tied it to the top of the car and took it home.

Mom and Dad's Birthdays

November 2012
Another year older and wiser too!  

The kids love birthday parties! We celebrated Mom's milestone birthday of 35 years this year and then a couple of weeks later, celebrated Dad's!