Wednesday, August 19, 2009

California & Oregon

We went on another road trip this summer. We started in Sacramento, California for a Smith family reunion. We get together every two years and go wherever the planner wants to have it. It was fun to see Uncles and cousins we don't see very often. We then drove almost the entire way up the Oregon coast. We love going up there and it has been a few years since we were there last. We have one really beautiful day were we enjoyed the beach then the other days were typical northwest weather with light showers and we needed jackets. We made our way to North Bend, Oregon and stayed a few days at my Aunts house. My uncle took us fishing and crabbing. The best part of that was eating it! It was such a fun trip and the kids could have lived on the beach!
Salt Flats and Road trip

Family Reunion-Sacramento, California

San Francisco

Redwood National Forest

The Beach

Petting Zoo

Coos Bay, Oregon

Fishing and Crabbing

Picking Blackberries

Sea Lion Cave

The Beach


Cannon Beach

Multnomah Fall